GLOBAL-365 values its reputation for ethical behaviour and for financial probity and reliability.
We recognise that over and above the commission of any crime, any involvement in bribery will also reflect adversely on our image and reputation. We therefore aim to limit potential exposure to bribery by:
setting out a clear anti-bribery policy,
establishing and implementing anti-bribery procedures as appropriate,
communicating this policy and any relevant procedures to employees and to others who will perform services for us,
undertaking appropriate due diligence measures before engaging others to represent us,
monitoring and reviewing the risks and the effectiveness of any anti-bribery procedures that are in place.
We prohibit any inducement that results in a personal gain or advantage to the recipient or any person or body associated with them, and which is intended to influence them to take action that may not be solely in the interests
of GLOBAL-365.
Please contact a member of our team to find out more about how GLOBAL-365 PLC can bring significant benefits to your organisation and its customers.